Gavin Payne - January 2024 Update

From: Robin Oliver, CAWS Executive Director

Gavin Payne, CAWS Strategic Advisor

Just a brief update from your advocacy team.


Cuts to schools are minimized by dint of assuming this much smaller budget deficit, along with use of Proposition 98 reserves, what are known colloquially as our rainy day funds. Specifically, the budget:

  • Anticipates Prop 98 guarantee for 2024-25 to be $109.1 billion.
  • Includes an LCFF COLA of 0.76% (last year’s was a remarkable 8%).
  • Reduces and/or delays general fund support for the School Facilities Program and the Preschool/TK/Full Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program.

While the state is experiencing significant revenue shortfalls, Governor Newsom’s education proposal was largely upbeat.

Remember, this budget proposal kicks off a six-month process to develop the 2024-25 Budget Act, and much can change before we get to a final document. We will know much more when the budget is revised in May. 

Please be assured we will track legislative and administration activities closely on your behalf -- as the Executive Director of CAWS, and as your Strategic Advisor in Sacramento, with years’ of experience in navigating state and local policy and budget decisions, we stand ready to answer your questions and address your concerns.

-With Best Regards, Robin and Gavin.