November SBE Recap – Revised LCAP Template Approved, Nov. 10, 2021
At the November State Board of Education (SBE) meeting, the Board took action to further move K-12 education forward from COVID-19. Below is a summary of the major issues and takeaways from the meeting followed by information on the regular agenda items and waiver requests heard by the Board.
Highlights include:
· Draft LCAP Template and 2021-22 Supplement Approved. After an in-depth presentation on the proposed revisions to the 2021-22 LCAP and Supplement and lengthy public comment, the Board approved the templates.
· 2021 Math Framework Adoption Timeline extended again. The Board approved a revised adoption timeline that pushed out the upcoming public comment period on the revised draft Framework draft to January - April 2022 and delayed the Board action on the Framework until July 2022.
· Programs established in 2021-22 Budget Set in Motion. The Board approved the application and administration plans for the California Community Schools Partnership Program and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive Program. More information about these programs can be found in the Other Items document linked at the end of this update.
· Instructional Quality Commission, Advisory Commission on Special Education Openings. There are still positions to fill on both Commissions so the application deadlines have been extended to December 1. Additional information can be found here.
Local Control and Accountability Plan Template
As previously reported, over the last two years, the Administration and the Legislature have made changes to the LCAP and Annual Update Templates through Senate Bill (SB) 98 (2020) and Assembly Bill (AB) 130 (2021) in response to present and emergent needs of our students and schools. The currently proposed revisions will be in effect beginning with the 2022-23 LCAP year.
Additionally, AB 130 required the SBE to adopt a one-time supplement template to the Annual Update to the 2021-2022 LCAP on or before November 30, 2021. Local educational agencies (LEAs) must use the 2021-22 Supplement to present an update on the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP and Budget Overview for Parents on or before February 28, 2022, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board or body of the LEA.
California Department of Education (CDE) brought this item to the SBE at the September meeting to receive feedback on the draft LCAP template and instructions and the 2021-22 Supplement. The templates were further revised as a result of the feedback received and were brought back to the Board for adoption at this month’s SBE meeting.
The changes proposed initially are listed below in bold. Based on feedback received from the Board, education community, and public, the drafts were presented with the additional revisions in italics:
A requirement to include Specific Goals in the LCAP
· The instructions related to the required goals have been revised to provide greater specificity about what must be addressed within the required goals, including identification of student groups or schools, and metrics and actions specific to each student group or school. · Instructions were added to the Identified Needs prompt within the Plan Summary of the LCAP requiring that LEAs identify if they are required to include a goal and the student groups or schools that lead to this requirement.
A requirement to calculate carryover supplemental and concentration dollars
· The Contributing Actions Annual Update Table was revised to more clearly align with statutory requirements. · Specific instructions related to the required calculations are provided and include an example of how an LEA might calculate the required percentage of planned qualitative improvements. · The Increased or Improved Services section was revised to provide the projected percentage to increase or improve services for the coming school year, the proportional local control funding formula (LCFF) carryover percentage, and the total percentage to increase or improve services for the coming school year.
A requirement to use concentration grant add-on for increased staffing
· A table has been included to enable LEAs to articulate staff-to-student ratios, as applicable to the LEA. · The instructions for the prompt have been revised to address (1) Instances where the amount of the additional concentration grant add-on is not sufficient to provide additional staff, (2) Instances where an LEA does not have comparison schools, such as an LEA in which all schools have above 55 percent unduplicated students, and (3) How to determine the staff and students to be used in identifying the required staff-to-student ratios.
A requirement to complete the one-time Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP
· The instructions for the 2021–22 Supplement have been revised to provide additional specificity related to the reporting requirement. · Additional information has been provided in the instructions to clarify the meaning of the phrase “funds provided through the Budget Act of 2021 that were not included in the LCAP” and the intent for this requirement. · Instructions have also been added allowing an LEA to reference relevant information provided in other planning documents.
A proposed revision to replace the term “stakeholder” throughout the LCAP template and instructions
· The term “stakeholder” was replaced with the term “educational partner” throughout the LCAP Template and Instructions and the One-Time Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP.
Information on the item can be found in the Item 5 document, available here, and CDE’s presentation on the proposed templates can be found here. In addition, more specific detail can be accessed below.
· Final Draft of Proposed Revisions
· Final Draft of Template and Instructions for the Supplement to the Annual Update
There will also be training and “question and answer” opportunities for the education community and the public on the proposed templates through CDE’s Tuesday @ 2 Webinar series and through email submission to the LCFF inbox at [email protected].
In addition, the Board provided further detail through an October 2021 Information Memoranda: Consistently Low-Performing Student Groups Per California Education Code Section 52064(e)(6)(A) and Consistently Low-Performing Schools Per California Education Code Section 52064(e)(6)(B)
Curriculum and Instruction
Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, K-12, 2022 Revision
In order to give the writing team sufficient time to implement the edits approved by the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) at its May 2021 meeting, and to allow the Board time to review comments received during the upcoming 60-day public comment period, the Board again moved to modify the adoption timeline for the 2021 Mathematics Framework (Framework). The Board approved extending the date by which it will adopt the Frameworkfrom May 2022 to July 2022. This is the second time that the Board has extended the adoption timeline this year. Previously, at its July meeting, the Board extended the framework adoption timeline from November 2021 to May 2022. At that meeting, the Board also added a placeholder IQC meeting between the 60-day public comment period and the SBE’s formal adoption. In the newly adopted timeline, that placeholder meeting has been removed.
Below is the new revision timeline as approved by the Board. |
The full revision timeline, dating back to March 28, 2019, is available on CDE’s website here.
Instructional Material Adoptions
At the November meeting the Board also adopted instructional materials for Arts Education and World Languages instruction. Additional information on each respective instructional materials adoption process and the materials adopted can be found in the Other Items document linked below.
SBE Agenda Items and Waiver Requests
There were a number of other items heard at the November SBE meeting. Information on those items can be found here in other items. In addition, there were several waivers discussed at the hearing.
The full SBE meeting agenda can be found here.
This report was written by Lee Angela Reid and Caitlin Jung. As always, if you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact us.
Thank you and take care,
Lee Angela
Lee Angela Reid Partner | Capitol Advisors Group |