SBE Makes Changes to Dashboard, and Assessments for 2022-23 and Beyond



Highlights include:


  • Accountability and Continuous Improvement. The Board discussed revisions to the Dashboard principles and which students should be included in the English Learner student group as well as acted to amend the eligibility criteria for Differentiated Assistance and to spotlight teacher assignment data and CAASPP Science results.
  • Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS). The Board formulated a plan in response to the federal denial of a waiver related to California’s DASS.
  • CAASPP. The Board approved California Alternate Assessment for Science threshold scores, the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Blueprints, and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California Student Score Reports.
  • Two New Board Members. The board welcomed Ms. Alison Yoshimoto-Towery and Ms. Naomi Porter to the Board. Ms. Porter is the Board’s student member.



The Integrated Local, State, and Federal Accountability and Continuous Improvement System


California School Dashboard (Dashboard)


In March 2022, SBE members were informed that after a two-year absence due to the pandemic, for the 2021-22 school year schools and districts would once again receive accountability determinations on the Dashboard and resume eligibility for Differentiated Assistance and school improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


With the return of the Dashboard, the state will be reviewing and revising indicators and performance standards as appropriate. During the September meeting, the Board reviewed and approved specific revisions to the Dashboard as well as received follow up information in response to questions asked by Board members during the July SBE meeting.


Dashboard Principles


In 2015, the Board used a set of principles to help frame conversations and decisions regarding the development of California’s new accountability system. As the Dashboard is now fully operational and the Board considers adding new indicators, like a student growth model, the California Department of Education (CDE) developed an updated set of principles specific to the Dashboard. The set of principles below was presented to the Board for feedback and will be brought back to the Board for review and adoption at the November 2022 meeting.


The Dashboard:


  1. Focuses on elements that express the state’s priorities for a well-rounded, well-supported education and makes space for what is valued locally
  2. Promotes equity through focus on student group opportunities and performance
  3. Gives equal weight to each indicator
  4. Values high performance and growth equally
  5. Reports transparently and comprehensively at the state, district, school, and student group levels
  6. Promotes effective visualization, clear communication, and thorough documentation
  7. Reflects technical quality through measures that are valid and reliable
  8. Leverages the expertise and perspectives of a broad set of educational partners and community members
  9. Promotes coherence between data reporting and support/improvement programs
  10. Is subject to continuous revision and improvement.


Additional information on the Dashboard principles can be found in Attachment 1 of Revised Item 02.


English Learner Group


At the July 2022 SBE meeting, members requested information on the English learner (EL) student group on the Dashboard for the Academic Indicator. At the September meeting, Board members received an overview of the EL student group for each state indicator on the Dashboard and performance of the EL student group in the Academic Indicator on prior Dashboards. In addition, the Board received detailed information and had a lengthy discussion on the inclusion of students reclassified as fluent English proficient (RFEP) in the EL student group. ESSA allows states to include RFEP students in the EL student group for up to four years within the Academic indicator.


More detail on this part of the item can be found in Attachment 2 of Revised Item 02.


Differentiated Assistance


Differentiated Assistance (DA) eligibility determinations were last made in December 2019 using the 2019 Dashboard results. Due to the pandemic, LEAs eligible for DA in 2019 have remained in DA for the past 3 years - 333 districts and COEs and 23 charter schools.


Assembly Bill 130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2022) requires DA eligibility be based solely on data from the 2021-22 school year and prior year Dashboard data (2018, 2019) will be used to determine those LEAs eligible for level 3 support in future years. As a result, CDE recommended and SBE approved making the 2022 DA eligibility determinations using only Status levels from the 2022 Dashboard and to use the lowest available Status levels on the State Indicators as a proxy for “Red.” In addition, the College/Career indicator will not be available as a State Indicator on the 2022 Dashboard due to limited statewide testing data from the 2020-21 school year.


2022 Differentiated Assistance Eligibility Criteria by Priority Area


Additional information on the DA criteria can be found in Attachment 3 of Revised Item 02.


Teacher Assignment Data


After the SBE approved the teacher assignment definitions for the ESSA State Plan, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and CDE worked to bring their data sets together for the creation of the Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome Reports. These data sets were released on DataQuest on June 30, 2022.


In 2019, Senate Bill 75 (Chapter 51, Statutes of 2019) updated Education Code Section 52064.5 to require that “no later than January 31, 2021, local indicators shall reflect school-level data to the extent the department collects or otherwise has access to relevant and reliable school-level data for all schools statewide.”


Based on this language, CDE reviewed the local indicators and determined that one data point from Priority 1 – Basics: Teachers, Instructional Materials, Facilities – related to the assignment of teachers, met the criteria of SB 75. However, because two years of data are needed to publish within local indicators, the Board approved adding a link to the published DataQuest reports within the Dashboard rather than illustrating it directly on the Dashboard.


Additional information on the inclusion of teacher assignment data can be found in Attachment 4 of Revised Item 02.


CAASPP California Science Test (CAST)


In March 2022, the SBE requested that CDE review options for reporting science results on the Dashboard for informational purposes. At the September meeting, CDE presented the Board with some options for consideration. After some discussion, the Board determined that given educators and students are still adjusting to the California Next Generation Science Standards and since multiple years of test data are needed before adding CAST to the Dashboard can be evaluated, the Board approved inclusion of a link on the Dashboard to the science results that is supported through the CAASPP website.


Additional information on CAST and the Dashboard can be found in Attachment 5 of Revised Item 02.


2022 Dashboard


The look of the 2022 Dashboard will be slightly different than in previous years. Status only will be reported for all state and local indicators with the exception of the College/Career Indicator which will not be reported at all. Status will be illustrated in one color (likely purple) and will look like “cell phone bars.”


In addition, CDE has created several resources for the field, including a 2022 Dashboard Toolkit. Additional information on all the aforementioned items related to the Dashboard can be found in the staff presentation as well as here: Revised Item 02.


Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS)


During the development of the Dashboard, concerns were raised that the new accountability system did not fairly evaluate the success or progress of alternative schools that serve high-risk students. 


So, in 2017, CDE developed indicators for alternative schools that evaluate the success and progress of these schools based on the LCFF state priorities and accountability requirements in ESSA. The intent wasn’t to develop a separate accountability system but rather to include "modified metrics" for indicators on the Dashboard that fairly evaluate and support alternative schools and their progress. Modified metrics were developed for the Graduation Rate Indicator, the College/Career Indicator, and the Academic Indicator; however, DASS schools are held accountable on all state indicators.


In 2020, the federal Department of Education (ED) informed the state that two of the modified methods used for DASS, establishing different cut scores for the Academic Indicator and use of a one-year graduation rate, were not permissible. Since that time, California has been in discussion with ED on how the state might be able to continue utilizing the modified metrics.


Unfortunately, on July 27, 2022, ED declined California’s waiver request that would allow for the continued use of the two modified methods, stating that the waiver did not “sufficiently demonstrate how the request will advance student academic achievement.”


This denial will require DASS schools to receive the 4-year cohort rate on the Graduation Indicator and to be held to the same cut scores on the five-by-five performance level grid as non-DASS schools. It will also impact DASS schools with respect to Comprehensive Support and Improvement and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement eligibility determinations.


Representatives from CDE and the SBE met with ED earlier this month to discuss options for moving forward. They will continue to have conversations but, given the proximity of the end of the year, the Board needed to take action for the 2022 Dashboard.


At the hearing, the Board approved the following short-term options for the 2022 Dashboard:


  1. Continuing to report modified methods AND non-modified methods on the Dashboard
  2. Labeling DASS schools that meet the eligibility for CSI low graduation rate or low performance as a DASS Community of Practice to distinguish the uniqueness of these schools and the students served
  3. Developing differentiated improvement activities for schools that predominantly serve students returning to education after having exited secondary school without a regular high school diploma or who, based on their grade or age, are significantly off track to accumulate sufficient academic records to meet high school graduation requirements. 


The Board also delegated authority to CDE, subject to approval of the SBE Executive Director to engage in discussions with ED per SBE’s direction to resolve issues prior to release of the 2022 California School Dashboard.


For the 2023 Dashboard and beyond, California will explore the following flexibilities:


  1. Use of multi-year (or extended-year) graduation rates for the Graduation Rate Indicator
  2. Use of multi-year (or extended-year) Graduation Rate Indicator for CSI Low Graduation Rate eligibility determinations
  3. For CSI lowest-performing, determine 5 percent of Title I schools by school type (i.e., elementary, middle, high, and alternative high schools)
  4. Explore excluding students who have not attended the same school within a local educational agency for at least half of a school year from the state indicators (except the Graduation Rate indicator). Note: the performance of such students must be included for purposes of reporting on the State and local report cards.
  5. Explore differentiated funding allocations for schools determined eligible for support (i.e., based on enrollment, school type, etc.)


Additional information on this item can be found in the staff presentation as well as here: Item 03.



California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress System


California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science


The Board approved the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s proposed threshold scores listed below:



Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments – Adjusted Form Blueprints


Use of the adjusted form blueprints developed in response to the pandemic for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, more commonly called the “shorter version,” was initially approved by the Board in November 2020 for the 2020-21 administration. In September 2021, SBE approved the continued use of the adjusted form blueprints for the 2021-22 administration.


At the September meeting, the Board approved use of the adjusted form blueprints for 2022-23 and subsequent administrations until the Smarter Balanced Consortium approves any further changes to the adjusted form blueprints. The proposed 2022-23 adjusted form blueprints are identical to those used in the 2021-22 administrations.


It is important to note that due to the fewer number of items on the blueprints, student-level claim results are not available on student score reports or in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS), aggregate claim results are available for student groups of 30 or more in public reporting, and target reporting is not available in CERS.


2022-23 CAASPP and ELPAC Student Score Reports (SSRs) Revisions


The Board approved the CAASPP and ELPAC SSRs for 2022-23. The main change is the update to the academic year. Examples of the SSRs can be found here: Revised Item 04 Attachment 4. Specifically, for Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics:


  • There will be a return of the language that compares a student’s overall performance to the previous year
  • Individual student claim information will continue to not be reported
  • School and state averages will remain suppressed on CAASPP SSRs.


In addition, SSRs will now be available in Korean for the CAASPP and the ELPAC.


Additional information on any of the assessment issues above can be found in the staff presentation as well as here: Item 04, and the Other Items document, link at the end of this update.


New Members of the State Board of Education


The Board swore in two new board members, bringing the Board’s membership to its full-11 members for the first time since January 2022. Below is additional information about the two newest members:


Ms. Alison Yoshimoto-Towery


Ms. Yoshimoto-Towery is currently the Executive Director of the UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning at the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. Immediately former, she was the Chief Academic Officer of the Los Angeles Unified School District.


Alison Yoshimoto-Towery's Full Biography


Ms. Naomi Porter


Ms. Porter is a senior at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School and is concurrently earning an Associate’s Degree in Business from Santa Monica College.


Naomi Porter's Full Biography


SBE Agenda Items and Waiver Requests


There were a number of other items heard at the September 2022 meeting. Information on those items can be found here in other items. In addition, there were several waivers discussed at the hearing.


The full SBE meeting agenda can be found here.


This report was put together by Lee Angela Reid and Caitlin Jung. As always, if you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact us.


Thank you and take care,


Lee Angela


Lee Angela Reid

Partner | Capitol Advisors Group