As a follow up to the immigration resources for California schools we shared with you in early December, we wanted to make sure you also have access to student and community immigrant and immigration resources released yesterday afternoon by Attorney General Rob Bonta.
The first resource is a Guide for Students and Families on Immigration Enforcement Actions at California Schools and includes information on the right to a free public education, what is and is not required for school enrollment, personal information confidentiality protections, as well as student and family safety information. While this document is currently available in English and Spanish the Attorney General’s Office will add several additional languages in the coming days that will be available here.
Second, is a Quick Reference Guide for School Officials which provides guidance on what to do if immigration-enforcement officers come to a school. This resource focuses on the immediate response to, and preparedness for, immigration enforcement including officer credentials, documentation that authorizes school access, requests for personal information about a student or their family (both for students who are minors and those over 18) and notification of local administrators and parents/guardians.
We may see additional information become available in the following weeks as the formal federal transition takes place later this month.
As always, please reach out to any of us at Capitol Advisors if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Cathy and Abe
Partner | Capitol Advisors Group